Elastic Search with Searchkick
What is Searchkick?
Searchkick is a smart and intillegent search engine Rubygems that creates quicker search results based on user search activity.
Before using Searchkick make sure Elasticsearch is installed on your system.
Steps to use Searchkick
- Create a Rails application
rails new institutions -d postgres
- Generate the scaffold for Student
rails g scaffold Student name:string roll:integer grade:string fee:decimal
Run rake db:create rake db:migrate
Configure the routes
root "students#index"
resources :students
- Add following gem into Gemfile
gem 'searchkick'
Here is the Guide for Elasticsearch 6 or 7.
- In each models you need to add keyword
to make searchkick work as shown below
class Student < ApplicationRecord
- Now add data to search index by using following code and you need to run this command everytime as model changes
There are many ways search options based on necessity:
:word # default
Here is an example of using :word_start for partial match criteria
class Student < ApplicationRecord
searchkick word_start: [:name, :role, :grade, :fee]
def search_data
name: name,
role: role,
grade: grade,
fee: fee
Search Everything
Student.search "*"
Partial Matches
Student.search "Shiv Raj Badu" # Shiv AND Raj AND Badu
Book.search "Shiv Raj Badu", operator: "or"
Exact Matches
Student.search params[:search], fields:[{fee: :exact}, :name]
Phrase Matches
Student.search "another name", match: :phrase
Model associations
Student.search "shiv raj", track: {user_id: current_user.id}
Autocomplete and Instant Search
class Student < ApplicationRecord
searchkick match: :word_start, searchable: [:name, :roll]
Language supported based on list
searchkick word_start: [:title, :author, :genre], language: "turkish"
class StudentsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_student, only: [:show, :edit, :update]
def searchcriteria
render json: Student.search(params[:query], {
fields: ["name", "roll", "grade", "fee"],
limit: 10,
load: false,
misspellings: {below: 5}
Implement JavaScript searchbox as below
<input type="text" id="query" name="query" />
name: "student",
remote: "/students/search_criteria?query=%QUERY"
Suggestions generator
class Student < ApplicationRecord
searchkick suggest: [:name, :roll, :fee, :grade]
Highlight search result fields like this:
class Student < ApplicationRecord
searchkick highlight: [:name]
Create custom and advanced mapping like this:
class Student < ApplicationRecord
searchkick mappings: {
student: {
properties: {
name: {type: "string", analyzer: "keyword"},
grade: {type: "string", analyzer: "keyword"}
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