
Webpacker in Rails6


  • Webpacker is the JavaScript compiler which compiles the JavaScript code.
  • Prior to Rails6, JS code were inside app/assets/javascripts
  • In Rails6, no app/assets/javascripts and have new dir app/javascript to load all the js files which has channels & packs and all Javascript components like Turbolinks, ActiveStorage, Rails-UJS, ActionCable support Webpacker.
  • Other dir channels generated by Rails ActionCable component
  • Another dir packs which has app/packs/javascripts

  • any js files inside packs/ will autocompiled by Webpack

About Pack

  • Webpack uses webpacker gem which wraps webpack and used to compile the javascript code which are on the packs directory. This gem creates the application pack as application.js inside app/javascript/packs which is similar to assets pipeline (app/assets/javascripts/application.js) and application pack is the entry point for all the JavaScript code that contains Action Cable, Active Storage, Turbolinks Rails components.
  • gem webpacker is automatically placed inside the Gemfile of Rails6 application, and yarn is used to install npm packages when creating new Rails 6 application.

Gem also generates settings:

  • As like assets pipeline, JavaScript code using Webpacker and webpack automatically compiles in development mode when running rails server.
  • Gem also generates the file bin/webpack-dev-server which is used to live reloading the development phase. Inorder to see the live reloading in development mode we need to run the webpack-dev-server with command ./bin/webpack-dev-server separately.
  • However, in production mode, rake assets:precompile also override the rake webpacker:compile which will compile the assets pipleline and compile the files to be compiled by webpack which updates the package.json.

Way to use the JavaScript code in the app

we can use the helper method javascript_pack_tag to include the webpacker packs file which is similar to asset pipeline javascript_link_tag and works on both development and production mode.

# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
  • Prior to Rails 6 application do not install gem webpacker by default, include it in Gemfile, and run the command rake webpacker:install

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