Ruby - Loops & Iterators !
Loop is the process in which set of instructions or block of codes are repeated in a specified number of times under certain condition is satisfied. for, while, do while are example of loops.
while loop
Ruby while loop is used to execute a program until condition is true, once condition fails execution is terminated from loop. While loop is used when number of needed iterations is not fixed.
count = 0
while count < 5 do
p count
count = count+1
do while loop
# syntax
loop do
# some code here
break if <condition>
# Example
i = 1
while true
puts i
i = i + 1
break if i > 5
i = 1
loop do
puts i
i = i + 1
break if i > 5
for loop
for loop is used to run block of code in a specific number of times when number of needed iterations is known.
for num in 1..100
puts num
Range loop
Ruby each method is used to iterator over individual item in an array.
(1..100).each do |num|
puts num
# loop through an array using each
[1, 2, 3].each do |i|
puts i
# loop through hash using each
hash_var = {name: 'Car', color: 'Red', model: '2018'}
hash_var.each do |key, value|
puts "#{key} => #{value}"
# find index in loop using each_with_index
[10, 11, 12].each_with_index do |val, key|
p key
=> 0
Times loop
5.times {|i| puts "number #{i}"}
skip iterations with the next keyword
10.times do |i|
res = i % 2
next unless res==0
puts i
stop a loop early using break
arr = [2,4,6,8,10,12]
arr.each do |el|
break if el > 10
puts el
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