
Set up docker on Ruby on Rails application

First you need to install docker, docker-compose, docker-machine, on your system.

We need following files initially

# install scripts dockerfile # ignore while pushing the code .dockerignore # list env vars .env # run the processes, containers and apps docker-compose.yml

Run the services and processes

docker-compose up

Build dependencies

docker-compose –build

# to see container list docker container ls

# to see all the processes docker ps

# to stop all the processes, so instead of killing all the container and processes, later on you can restart again docker-compose stop

# website is the name of the service to run rails app docker-compose run –rm website rake db:create db:migrate

docker-compose run website rake db:migrate db:seed RAILS_ENV=production

enter into bash shell

sudo docker run -i -t <image/id> /bin/bash

forcefully remove image

docker rmi 24a77bfbb9ee -f

remove all the containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Note: If you don’t have Docker running on your local machine, you need to replace localhost in the above URL with the IP address of the machine Docker is running on. If you’re using Docker Machine, you can run below cmd to find out the IP.

docker-machine ip “${DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME}”

To run rails console

docker-compose exec website rails console

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